Top World Doctors

Meet Our Therapists.

Reach out to us for inquiries or to schedule an appointment with our experienced therapists.

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Dr Nalini Mahajan

Massage Therapist

Dr. Shree kumar

Physical Therapist

Dr Uday Devgan


Dr Vijay Kumar

Holistic Therapist

Dr. Suresh Isawe


Dr Mukul Varma


Dr Zahid Rahi

Mental Health Therapist

Dr Alia Varma

Art Therapist

Dr Raj Kumar


Dr Zarah Khan

Family Therapist
  • Therapists Directory

    Explore Our Therapists

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    Massage Therapist

    Specializes in various massage techniques for relaxation and pain relief.

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    Physical Therapist

    Expert in rehabilitation exercises and restoring mobility after injuries.

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    Specializes in traditional Chinese medicine techniques for pain management and wellness.

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    Utilizes essential oils and aromatherapy techniques to promote relaxation and improve mood.

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    Holistic Therapist

    Employs holistic approach to wellness,integrating mind & body for comprehensive healing.

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    Specializes in spinal adjustments and manipulations to alleviate pain and improve mobility.

Therapist Insights

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    Health Tips

    The Importance of Self-Care for Therapists

    Exploring strategies for maintaining physical and emotional well-being while providing quality care to clients.

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  • By Therapist
    Wellness Tips

    Mindfulness Techniques for Therapists

    Exploring mindfulness practices to enhance focus, reduce stress, and improve client interactions.

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  • By Therapist

    Navigating Boundaries in Therapeutic Relationships

    Exploring ethical considerations and practical strategies for establishing and maintaining boundaries with clients.

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